Tips on How to Stay Fit While Working From Home

For those of us who work from home, we often get so engrossed in our work that we forget one very important aspect of life: personal well-being. Have you ever thought of how health gets affected when you sit down for a long time while typing and sipping bottomless cups of coffee? It was not until it hit me hard that I realized I had to do something. One very basic thing that I always forgot to do was get out of the seat and do some exercise to stay fit, which was what ultimately made me spend some two weeks in the hospital due to clogged arteries. On my entry to the hospital, I got a few tips on how to keep in shape while still balancing personal health, my family and my ease my work at the same time. It would be unfair if I did not share some of these tips on how to keep in shape while working from home.

Avoid staying late for work – to organize!

Plan a day early, set up daily goals and develop a plan for you to keep. This will help you avoid those long hours the night to try to clear the day’s work. What many of us do not know is to stay up late at night adversely affect your health. We’re human, right? One means of natural body recovery through sleep. Depriving the body of a good sleep will lead to fatigue and ultimately this affects your overall health enormously – believe me. Go to bed early and wake up early.

Careful in coffee, mate!

One thing I ever did when I felt worn out (or even just bored) was drinking coffee. I like the taste, and it made me feel refreshed too. Despite numerous attempts made by my wife to stop me from consuming so much coffee, I went on. What I came to learn is that caffeine is not healthy if you eat too much and in the long term. Drink water instead of when you feel thirsty, enough of that! And instead of coffee, what about some healthy green tea? Hipster style, baby!

Avoid too much junk food

Working at home means freedom to eat when you feel stomach-grumbling. Admit it, most of you do not eat healthy on a regular basis while working. Be smart, beat off all the junk food from your shopping list, and instead replace them with fresh fruits, zero calorie biscuits and juices.


Push-ups or press-ups exercises have really worked for me and I advise you to try them. Push-ups work the triceps and biceps, are a form of cardiovascular exercise and also work out the chest muscles. One more thing – so the exercise does not even need to get out of the house. You only need to squeeze at least ten minutes after every two hours of work to do push-up exercise. Work out those muscles and keep fit and comfortable while working, as this exercise dishes also aching back.

Have a break and take a short nap when you feel tired

Rest is so important, especially for those who do professional work from home pursuing the spiritual, like me. You can schedule a short break from your work for you. This should be at least two or three times a day depending on the complexity of your work, as this will make you stay fresh and avoid fatigue and strain your body. That’s how much good just a ten minute nap could do.

Get out of the seat and stretch out

Whenever you feel like my back is to expand, that means it’s time to take a short break to stretch out. You can also take a short walk around the block to breathe some fresh air. This will keep your fresh and will have a positive effect on health and it allows the blood to flow well in the body. This counters the effects of sitting for a long time and helps you avoid back strains.

Are you a parent? Get out and play with your children (and pets) in the garden

The program breaks, you can take your son or daughter out to the park and play some outdoor games, even if it’s just for a short time before getting back to work. Aside from your fitness 15 – 30 minutes Playtime with children does wonders for family relationship. You can also take your pet out for a walk if you have one. Walking is good exercise and you should always try to do it quite often to be healthy and fit.

Park the car and walk instead

Walk times. If it is only a few blocks to your destination, do not bother driving. It may take a few minutes longer to do errands, but health benefits for your body is enormous! Another idea is to park a little further away than usual so you have to do a bit of walking to reach your destination.

Staying fit and healthy is important to work-at-home parents. You must never let your work a negative impact on any aspect of your life as they are equally important to you. Health come first before other things. Staying fit does not have to involve strenuous exercise in the gym; instead, staying fit and healthy starts with a positive attitude, and such simple things you can do in the comfort of your home.

It is very important for you to know how to stay in shape while working at home because in the end, money does not mean anything if you are not healthy. As a matter of fact, develop healthy habits is not only for those of us who work at home. Whether you are a white-collar or blue-collar worker, you have a responsibility to continue to Fit in order to avoid any health complications associated with the unhealthy habits that you have. I would strongly recommend that office workers use some of the tips that I mentioned earlier, as do some push-ups in the office of their free time. This will ensure that you continue to Fit and healthy. Remember, life is a one-way trip and never exercise, so what you always keep and practice healthy habits at all times.

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